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Northampton Truck Wash

Red Lion Truck Wash  by RJ Hawkins Ltd, Fleet Cleaning Services 

The Red Lion Truck Wash is located at the Award Winning Red Lion Truck Stop of J16 of the M1 motorway. The state of the art three rollerbrush rollover archway gantry wash is suitable for most types of LGV's. 
The Red Lion Truck Wash is now fully open, so your welcome along or call on 0845 6199690. The wash is manned weekdays from 7am to 4pm and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays for unscheduled cleaning. We accept Snap account holders, Travis account holders, cash, credit cards and for frequent users an account may be opened. Go to our contact us page for us to call you with more information or a account form. 
The gantry wash from Brendeck is a great piece of equipment and delivers the highest quality wash available for vehicles of any length and up to 5 metres tall. Along side this automated system, we have two steam pressure washers to ensure the chassis, wheels and difficult to get to parts of the truck are washed and just as importantly, rinsed off to the best standard. 
As always we make sure your truck leaves us clean with the additional options of wheel cleaner, degreased airlines and a wax rinse finish for body work. 
For other more extensive services including certified sanitising trailer interior cleans and cab cleans visit us at our sister site based in Moulton Park, Northampton, NN3 6RX. 
Open weekdays 7am to 4pm (8am-1pm Saturdays) 
Our services also include Ali tank acid cleans, cab valets , Deep Anti-Bacterial Cleans and Interior hygiene cleans at Northampton Truck Wash, Moulton Park. 
For further details of our services please call Ben or fill in the online form. 


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